Prior Value Nodes
Prior value nodes are a special type of node used mainly in timeseries type driver models that model a starting balance and ending balance. Examples include things such as stockpiles, tank levels etc. Calculations can be used to “recirculate” back into the opening balance at the next timestep. This is a way of avoiding Circular References
A prior value node can be added using the icon. It is configured using input and output links, rather than any configuration settings per se.
The Prior Value node has two input ports, and one output port (hover over the ports for a description on the function they perform). The first input port is at the top of the node and is the initialisation value, that is, the opening balance prior to time 0. Normally a scenario input would feed into this port. It can be left without an initialisation value, in that case the value will be 0.
The output of the prior value node feeds into another calculation to calculate the daily amount. It in turn feeds into a second calculation which is the end of day value, that is, [Start of Day Value]+[Value of Gold Produced per Day]
Lastly, this end of day value loops back into the Start of Day Value prior value node.