Financial Calculations


The below calculations are specifically used to handle financial calculations.

Function Notes
irr([values_node], start, end) Calculates the IRR for the given cashflow. Optionally provide the start/end to calculate the IRR for a range with in the model.
Uses numpy-financial.irr internally
irrall([values_node]) Calculates the IRR for all time periods, returning the same result at each period
npv([rate_node], [values_node], start, end) Calculates the NPV of a given cashflow. Optionally provide the start/end to calculate the NPV for a range within the model.
Uses numpy-financial.npv internally
npvall([rate_node], [values_node]) Calculates the NPV for all time periods, returning the same result at each period
pv([rate_node], [payment_node], start, end) Calculates the present value. Optionally provide the start/end to calculate the PV for a range within the model.
Uses numpy-financial.pv internally
pvall([rate_node], [payment_node]) Calculates the PV for all time periods, returning the same result at each period

The rate node must be a single value such as a numeric node or fixed value. An error will be thrown if a timeseries or calculation node is used where the value differs between time periods.


NPV and PV behaves slightly differently to Excel. The calculation in the calc engine actually takes the NPV/PV from t = 1, then adds the value from t = 0 automatically. In Excel, this needs to be done manually