Creating Scenarios

New Driver Model New Driver Model This string of equations allows us to go to the research grid to evaluate the results and flex the results.

The Research Grid will provide us with the tools to look at the different results produced by the ne Driver Model. To do this we must generate scenarios by which we can evaluate the results. There are few types of results we could look at. If we assume that we are looking for a value as close to a round number as possible we could change any one of the four values displayed in the Research Grid.

The Research Grid The Research Grid

The best way to create these kinds of scenarios is to flex function. Flexing will allow us to create a mass of scenarios based on the changing values of one or more user inputs. We will now generate new scenarios in the Research grid.

  1. Right click on the baseline scenario.
  2. Select Flex from the options menu. Select Flex Select Flex
  3. A window will appear where we can generate scenarios. Generate Scenarios Generate Scenarios
  4. We will flex Input 1 first, so select Input 1.
  5. Set the:
    • Start Value to 5
    • Step to 1; and
    • Ending value 10. First Flex First Flex We can flex more than one value at a time so we will also flex Input 2
  6. Select Input 2.
  7. Set the:
    • Starting Value to 3;
    • Step to 0.5; and
    • Final Value to 6. Second Flex Second Flex
  8. Once the flexes are entered Click Generate.

    The Generate scenarios screen can only generate 499 scenarios at any given time. If you go over this amount you will not be able to generate specified scenarios.

  9. The Generate Scenarios window will close and the scenarios will be generated according to the flex parameters. Some Flexed Scenarios Some Flexed Scenarios

Once all the different scenarios have been generated we can execute them to see the results.

To execute the scenarios:

  1. Press the play button at the top of the screen. Execute Execute
  2. A window will pop-up asking you to confirm, press OK.
  3. Akumen will then execute the scenarios. Completed Scenarios Completed Scenarios

Now that we have executed the scenarios we can see the direct results on the research grid. For a slightly more complex model we would suggest reviewing the results with the help of the Research tab.