Adding Pages

Pages will help to keep the two truck shifts separate until the end of the Driver Model. We will create two sub pages in this model.

  1. First get rid of the four starting nodes that by default are on the workspace whenever a new Driver Model model is created.
  2. Right click on the Initial Page on the right of the screen in the pages manager.
  3. Select Create Sub Page from the options menu. Create Sub Page Create Sub Page
  4. Create another sub page from the Initial Page.
  5. Right click on one fo the sub pages.
  6. Select Rename from the options menu. Renaming Renaming
  7. Rename one of the sub pages Shift 1.
  8. Rename the other sub page Shift 2.
  9. Rename the Initial Page to Total Tonnes Moved.

Now we can start creating the Driver Model for Shift 1.