Create Master App

For this tutorial we’ll need two applications. The first (called Master) is a simple application that does very little except provide a single float input value that we’ll access and modify from the second (Slave), as well as generate an output table of random numbers.

  • Access the App manager by clicking on the Apps button
  • Create a new Python application called Master
  • When in the application, create a new file
  • Copy the following code into, overwriting all contents
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def akumen(**kwargs):
    !! This akumen() function must exist in the execution file!

        !! These lines define parameters, and a line must exist per input (or output).
        - Input: first [float]

        - Output: results [tabular]
    print('Running Akumen model...')

    # The akumen() function must return a dictionary including keys relating to outputs.
    return {
        'results': pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
  • Execute the application by hitting the blue Play button at the top of the screen.