
If you go to the Data tab at the top right of the page (next to the Research tab) you will find the raw results of the scenarios that have executed and have run without error and returned complete. Scenarios that have run but returned an error will not display any results in the Data tab.

The data tab provides a user the ability to view and query the raw data that is generated by applications. This functionality works in the same way regardless of the language (Driver Models, Python or R) that is used.

data-tab data-tab

The screen is broken up in to two main sections. The left section lists the “tables” that are generated by the application. Clicking on a table shows the data in the right section. A right click provides functionality to export the whole table (use with caution, as this can cause issues with your browser for large data sets), export the current page, or delete the table. Rerunning the application will recreate it.

The Data View Search box allows the user to search the data set, using a Sql like syntax, eg scenarioname='Scenario' will filter on the scenario called Scenario. Clicking on a column header will sort by that column.

Each column also displays the datatype the data is stored under. This is useful when diagnosing reporting issues and data type errors.