
To calculate availability, we can use Run Time / Planned Production Time, where Run Time is the Planned Production Time minus any outages.

  1. Create a new calculation node to the right of Availability called Run Time, and another, further right, called Planned Production Time.
  2. Link these nodes to Availability, and change the availability calculation to [Run Time] / [Planned Production Time]. You will notice that the OEE and availability calculations now error out. That is because Run Time and Planned Production Times have no calculations.
  3. Create a number of input nodes to the right of the calculation nodes, called Breakdown Time, Total Shift Length, Shift Break and Number of Shifts.
  4. Our Planned Production time is [Number of Shifts] * ( [Total Shift Length] - [Shift Break])
  5. Our Runtime is [Planned Production Time] - [Breakdown Time]

The driver model should look as follows: Availability Availability