Adjusting Shifts

First we’ll adjust shifts - clone the baseline scenario twice, and call one 2 Shifts and the other 4 Shifts, then alter the shifts in each of those scenarios. You’ll notice the baseline of 3 will move from the application level to the scenario level. We’ll also need to reduce the shift length for 4 shifts, as there’s not enough hours in the day. Change this value to 5.5 for the 4 shift scenario.

Run the model and see what the difference is.

Adjusting Shifts Adjusting Shifts

Note that increasing the number of shifts to 4 has led to a minor improvement in OEE, the most improvement we see is from 2 shifts. But drilling down further shows our performance is 142% which is definitely not attainable. Lets increase the shift length, but because of the longer shift length, we need to increase the shift break.

Clone the 2 Shifts scenario, and set the shift length to 11 hours and shift break to 1 hour.

Adjusting Shifts 2 Adjusting Shifts 2

Wow, that gives us the same figure as 4 shifts. Does that mean we could potentially reduce our workforce by 1/3 AND be more effective?