Additional Calculations

Listed below are additional calculations that have been added. Some overlap may exist with calculation engine v3 functions, but the entire set of calculations are documented here for completeness.


Function Notes
isclose(first, second, [rtol], [atol]) This is based on the math function “isclose()”. Both the rtol and atol arguments are optional and default to 1e-09 for rtol and 0 for atol.

Uses internally.


Function Notes
currentdayinmonth() The day of the month in the current period
currentdayinweek() The current day of the week, where Monday == 1 and Sunday == 7 in the current period
currentdayinyear() The current day of the year in the current reporting period
currentmonth() The current month of the currently selected period
currentperioddatetimeutc() The current period in UTC as an Excel based integer
firstperioddatetimeutc() Similar to the above, but for the first period only
lastperioddatetimeutc() Similar to the above, but for the last period only
currentyear() The year of the currently selected reporting period
datetimeexcelformat() Similar to currentperioddatetimeutc(), but named correctly for what it returns. This uses the openpyxl package to calculate the correct date
daysinmonth() The days in the month of the current period
daysinyear() The days in the year of the current period
islastdayofmonth() Returns 1 if it’s the last day of the month for the current period, otherwise 0
islastdayofyear() Returns 1 if it’s the last day of the year for the current period, otherwise 0
currentfiscalquarter([start_month], [start_day], [start_year]) The current fiscal quarter. This defaults to Australian, but can be overridden by providing the start_month, start_day and start_year
currentfiscalyear([start_month], [start_day], [start_year]) The current fiscal year. This defaults to Australian, but can be overridden by providing the start_month, start_day and start_year
daysinfiscalyear([start_month], [start_day], [start_year]) The days in the current fiscal year. This defaults to Australian, but can be overridden by providing the start_month, start_day and start_year
isfirstdayoffiscalyear([start_month], [start_day], [start_year]) Returns 1 if it’s the first day of the fiscal year, otherwise 0. This defaults to Australian, but can be overridden by providing the start_month, start_day and start_year
islastdayoffiscalyear([start_month], [start_day], [start_year]) Returns 0 if it’s the first day of the fiscal year, otherwise 0. This defaults to Australian, but can be overridden by providing the start_month, start_day and start_year
numperiods() The total number of periods.